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Health Care

Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility Moves to Fee-For-Service

Indiana Medicaid announced that, effective January 1, 2019, adults determined to be presumptively eligible for Medicaid will receive fee-for-service benefits during the presumptive eligibility (PE) coverage period. This change means that the enhanced benefits and additional flexibilities previously…

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NPDB Guidebook Changes

The US Department of Health & Human Services updated the National Practitioner Data Bank (“NPDB”) Guidebook, effective October 2018.  The last time the Guidebook was revised was April 2015.  While the 2015 revision included substantial updates to the regulatory scope, content and display of the…

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Important Organizational Safeguards to Manage Healthcare Business Relationships

Since 2003, the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Inspector General (“OIG”), often partnering with other healthcare related organizations such as the American Health Lawyers’ Association and the Health Care Compliance Association, have authored a series of publications for…

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HIPAA Business Associates … How Do I Know Thee?

HIPAA, as amended by HITECH, imposes significant requirements on those persons or entities who constitute a business associate as a result of their access to protected health information in the performance of services on behalf of a covered entity.[1] 

For example, a business associate could be a…

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Managed Care Proposed Rule Summary

On November 8, 2018, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ("CMS") published a proposed rule aimed at Medicaid managed care. CMS indicated its intentions to streamline the managed care framework and relieve regulatory burdens created in the existing managed care regulations, which were…

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Upcoming INSPECT Compliance Dates

Governor Eric Holcomb signed Senate Enrolled Act 221 (“SEA 221”) into law on March 22, 2018, which updated INSPECT requirements for practitioners with a controlled substance registration (“CSR”) in Indiana.  Notably, several of the bill’s requirements are effective January 1, 2019.

Under SEA 221, all…

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