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Health Care

Lights, Camera, Sanction

An ABC television crew was permitted to film on the premises of three Boston-area teaching hospitals, Boston Medical Center (“BMC”), Brigham and Women’s Hospital (“BWH”), and Massachusetts General Hospital (“MGH”). However, the three healthcare providers failed to first obtain patient…

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HIPAA Assessments... Here's Looking at You!

Whether you are the Privacy Officer, the Security Officer, or both, the question remains the same.  When was the last time you scheduled a "walk through" of your work space for the sole purpose of looking into the "eyeballs" of your personnel and finding out what they are really doing (or not doing)…

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HHS OIG Recommends Greater Efforts by Medicaid Managed Care Organizations in Identifying and Addressing Medicaid Fraud and Abuse

The Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (“OIG”) published a report in July of 2018 (“Report”) regarding weaknesses by Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (“MCO”) to identify fraud and abuse in the Medicaid program1.  In general, the OIG found that MCOs lacked the controls and…

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New Indiana Health Care Laws

This article summarizes many of the notable health care laws that were passed during the 2018 legislative session, which includes laws that are effective July 1, 2018, as well as laws that are effective after July 1, 2018.  These laws affect both healthcare institutions, as well as individual…

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