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Health Care

CMS Issues Proposed Rule for Updates to the Quality Payment Program

On June 30, 2017, CMS published a proposed rule with changes and policy updates to the Quality Payment Program (“QPP”) for calendar year 2018. The QPP, established under the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (“MACRA”), includes two pathways for participation, the Merit Based…

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Implementation of Indiana's Opioid Prescribing Law

Indiana’s seven day script law for new patients, Senate Enrolled Act (“SEA”) 226, went into effect on July 1, 2017.[1]  Under SEA 226, the general rule is as follows:  A prescriber may not issue more than a seven day supply of an opioid if the prescriber is prescribing to an adult patient for the…

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Payment Matters: To Collect or Not to Collect?

A frequent question from physicians is:  What do I do if I have a patient who does not pay his or her bill?  And for those physicians who are thinking ahead:  What can I do to avoid having a patient who does not pay his or her bill?  This article briefly addresses strategies physicians may try to…

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Beginning June 1, CMS Requires Providers to Complete SRDP Using Forms

For the first time since its September 2010 introduction, CMS’ Self-Referral Disclosure Protocol (“SRDP”) is undergoing sweeping changes. Beginning June 1, 2017, parties using SRDP to voluntarily disclose actual or potential violations of the Stark law will use specifically-designed forms to submit…

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