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Health Care

The Supreme Court Endorses "Implied Certification"

Hospitals which have discovered violations in their submissions for payment under Medicare and Medicaid may now pause before reporting the mistake and determine if the violation was “material” to the government’s conditions for payment. If the mistake was not material, then the False Claims Act…

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CMS Clarifies Access to Documentation as a Condition of Payment

Earlier this year, CMS published a Medicare notice titled Clarification of Ordering and Certifying Documentation Maintenance Requirements (Change Request 9112), which clarifies the term "access to documentation" in the Medicare Program Integrity Manual (Pub. 100-08, Chapter 15, Section 15.18).


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CMS Proposes Medicaid Managed Care Revisions

 The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) published its proposed rule to update its standards and requirements for Medicaid managed care plans.

CMS notes that laws passed since the Medicaid managed care regulations were promulgated in 2002 have changed Medicaid to such an extent that the…

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ACO Final Rule Released

On June 4, 2015, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) issued a Final Rule for the “Medicare Shared Savings Program: Accountable Care Organizations.” The Final Rule follows the December 2014 Proposed Rule and the review of more than 270 public comments. The Medicare Shared Savings…

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Changes to Advanced Practice Nurse and Physician Assistant Laws

Utilization of advanced practice nurses, such as nurse practitioners, and physician assistants has been increasing over the past few years. Laws with respect to these health care providers have also changed, both on a Federal and State level. On May 4th, Governor Mike Pence signed into Indiana law…

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