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Secured Lender

Secured Lender Alert: LIBOR Replacement


As has been widely reported, LIBOR is expected to be phased out by the end of 2021. With no readily available replacement, it has been left to market participants to develop and transition to alternative reference rates and to determine a transition plan.

In the United States, the Federal…

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Recent Indiana Decision Reaffirms Priority of Purchase Money Mortgages

The Indiana Court of Appeals recently reaffirmed that purchase money mortgages enjoy priority over other types of nongovernmental liens on real property. In Amici Resources, LLC v. The Alan D. Nelson Living Trust, (January 19, 2016), the Court of Appeals faced a priority battle between a judgment…

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Recent Supreme Court Decision May Shift Balance Of Power In Bankruptcy Cases

In Bullard v. Blue Hills Bank, ___U.S.___, 135 S. Ct. 1686, 191 L.Ed.2d 6221, 83 USLW 4288, 2015 WL 1959040 (May 5, 2015), the Supreme Court of the United States unanimously held that a bankruptcy court's order denying confirmation of a debtor's proposed chapter 13 plan is not a final order…

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Waiver of Suretyship Defenses - Not a Sure Thing?

A “surety” is generally known as one who agrees to be liable for the debts or contractual obligations of another. Lenders and borrowers often rely on sureties to act as guarantors to assure or guaranty that a borrower will fulfill its obligations to the lender. Sureties may be required to pledge…

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