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Employee Benefits

IRS Does An "About-Face" On HSA Limits

The $50 reduction in the family coverage limit for health savings account (“HSA”) contributions just announced last March is no longer effective.  The good news is that taxpayers can save more for medical expenses in 2018 (up to $6,900), while the challenge for employers and/or service providers…

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How May The New Tax Act Affect Your ESOP?

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2018 (the “Act”) was signed into law by President Trump on December 22, 2017.  It is heralded as making the most significant changes in corporate taxation in the US in more than 30 years.  The Act makes changes to C corporations, S corporations and other pass-through…

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Employee Benefits and Tax Reform: What You Need to Know

The “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” signed by President Trump on December 22, 2017, thankfully did not turn retirement plans into a new source of tax revenue, but that does not mean the employee benefits world went completely unnoticed.  Below are some of the key employee benefits changes, which were…

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IRS Provides Year-End Gift

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued a late December gift to employers (and other coverage providers) by extending a rapidly approaching due date to furnish health care coverage information to employees (or other affected individuals).  Notice 2018-06 (Notice) pushes the deadline for employers…

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Small Employers: HRAs Are Available To You

If you are a small employer currently planning for open enrollment and faced with ever-rising healthcare costs, you should read this article for an alternative solution.  Likewise, if you are an employer that used to provide a health reimbursement arrangement (“HRA”) as a method to help your…

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Employers Beware - So Says the IRS

The Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) issued a May 12, 2017 memorandum from the Office of Chief Counsel (CCA 201719025) that reminds us all of the old saying “If it seems too good to be true then it probably is.”  The cost of benefits for employers and employees is not getting any cheaper as many of…

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